
Essay On Tuberculosis In 500+ Words | Essay On TB In English


Essay On Tuberculosis In 500+ Words | Essay On TB In English

Hello Friend, In this post “Essay On Tuberculosis In 500+ Words | Essay On TB In English“, We will read about Tuberculosis as an Essay In Details. So…

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Essay On Tuberculosis In 500+ Words | Essay On TB In English

“TB is to be treated in time… Don’t ignore its symptoms…”

Introduction:- Tuberculosis is a dangerous disease. its full name is Tuberculous Basilai. It is a contagious disease and proves fatal if it is not stopped at the initial stage. it kills the person slowly. Tuberculosis is commonly known as T.B.

What is Tuberculosis:

Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterial infection. It is considered a lung disease, but it can also spread to other parts of the body along with blood flow from the lungs, such as bones, joints of bones, lymph glands, organs of the intestine, urine, and reproductive system, over the skin and Brain membrane, etc.

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Transmission of Tuberculosis:-

Tuberculosis bacteria enter the body through the breath. at the time of a patient’s coughing, talking, sneezing, or spitting, very small droplets are spread in the air, in which the bacteria present can remain in the air for several hours and enter the healthy person’s body while breathing.

They cause disease. small lumps are formed in the organs affected by the T.B. In the absence of treatment, the affected organs gradually stop functioning and this can be the cause of death.

Symptoms of Tuberculosis:-

The main symptom of TB is a cough that persists for several weeks. Along with this, fever also comes which often increases in the evening. weight loss occurs in this disease.

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The patient also has breathing trouble. not only this, there is severe pain in the chest and blood also comes in the mucus. Infections occur in the lungs and appetite also decreases.

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Treatment of Tuberculosis:-

Antibiotics are used to treat TB. TB Treatment can last for several months.

Preventing measures of Tuberculosis:-

  • For the prevention and control of tuberculosis, mainly infants should be vaccinated with BCG.
  • Active cases should be treated appropriately when they are detected.
  • The patient infected with TB should put the cloth on his mouth while coughing and should avoid going to the crowded place and spitting outside.
  • Disease resistance can be increased by consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates, proteins, fat-rich diets, which can prevent TB disease to a great extent.
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Prevention from tuberculosis is the best treatment for it. therefore, we should take a nutritious diet to increase our immunity. the symptoms of T.B. should not be ignored and immediately tested. So that it can be properly treated.

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