
Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19 {Step By Step}


Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19 {Step By Step}

Hello Friend, In this post “Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19“, We will read about the Top 2+ Best Formats of Conversation or Dialogue between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19. So…

Let’s Start… Format: 1st

Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19 | Conversation Between A Doctor And A Patient About Coronavirus

Patient: Hello Doctor, How are you?

Doctor: Fine and What about you {Patient Name}

Patient: I’m not well because I’m scared from covid-19. by the way, what is covid-19?

Doctor: The disease caused by an infection with SARS-COV-2 is called covid-19, which stands for coronavirus disease 2019.

Patient: What are the symptoms of this disease and how can I know I have this disease?

Doctor: Some common symptoms that have been specifically linked to covid-19 include:

  • Shortness Of Breath
  • Having enough that gets more severe over time.
  • A low-grade fever that gradually increases in temperature
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat, loss of taste, Loss of Smell, headache, etc.

Patient: What causes of Coronaviruses?

Doctor: Researchers believe that the virus may have been passed from bats to another animal- either snakes or pangolins-and then transmitted to humans. This transmission likely occurred in the open food market in Wuhan, China.

Patient: Who’s at increased risk?

Doctor: You’re at high risk for contracting SARS-COV-2 if you come into contact with someone who’s carrying it, especially if you’ve been exposed to their saliva or been near them when they have coughed or sneezed.

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Patient: How are coronavirus diagnosed?

Doctor: Covid-19 can be diagnosed similarly to other conditions caused by viral infections: using a blood, saliva, or tissue sample. However, most tests use a cotton swab to retrieve a sample from the inside of your nostrils.

Patient: What treatments are available?

Doctor: Now at present time there are so many vaccines that are approved by WHO for the treatment of covid-19.

Patient: How can you prevent coronavirus?

Doctor: Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds at a time with warm water and soap.

  • Don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth when your hands are dirty.
  • Don’t go out if you’re feeling sick or have any cold or flu symptoms.
  • Stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from people.
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue or the inside of your elbow whenever you sneeze or cough.
  • Throw away any tissues you use right away.
  • Clean any objects you touch a lot. use disinfectants on objects like phones, computers, utensils, mouse, and use sanitizers and gloves.

Patient: Should I were a mask?

Doctor: Yes, of course, you should wear a mask and compulsory when you go out from the home to wear a special mask.

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Patient: Thank you doctor for providing this information and I will take care of myself.

Doctor: Most welcome {Patient Name}, Take care of yourself goodbye.

Patient: Doctor Bye…

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Format: 2nd

Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19 | Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Coronavirus

Doctor: Hello, How may I help you?

Patient: I am experiencing a mild cold and severe.

Doctor: oh it might be a case of coronavirus. I see you are wearing a mask. but have you quarantined yourself the day you felt fever and cold?

Patient: Yes doctor, I am staying alone and have told my dear ones to keep a safe distance as this disease is highly transferable.

Doctor: Yes, are you experiencing any other symptoms like headache, muscle pain or joint pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, etc. these are other symptoms associated with coronavirus.

Patient: No doctor, I am suffering from runny nose and fever only, so far.

Doctor: it might be the case of common cold too. for the time being, I’m giving general medicine. meanwhile, you have to quarantine yourself for 14 days since it takes up to 2 weeks for the symptoms of infection to appear.

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Patient: ok, doctor, I will be in quarantine for 2 weeks from today.

Doctor: Good, I recommended you inform your district administration so that they can perform a corona test.  Also, you have to take proper precautions like wearing the mask all the time and follow social distancing.

Patient: Yes doctor, I will inform the administration.

Doctor: Now I have to go for some urgent work. I am disconnecting the video call. I hope you understand everything. if you have further queries, please book another call session.

Patient: Yes Doctor, I completely understood everything.

Thanks For Reading “Dialogue Between A Doctor And A Patient About Covid-19“.

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